What are the strategies for problem-solving?

Draw a diagram of the problem. Divide the problem into smaller parts.

What are the strategies for problem-solving?

Draw a diagram of the problem. Divide the problem into smaller parts. Collect and organize information about the problem. Problem-solving strategies help you break down, analyze, and resolve problems.

They take you beyond the obvious answers and help you find the best solution for your specific problem. Then, use strategic planning to establish a time frame in which to resolve the problem and establish a timeline for completing each stage. This is a list of general strategies that can be applied to any problem solving technique to help you come up with a better solution in less time. Instead of thinking along the way, take some time and use one or more of the above problem-solving strategies to activate your creative thinking.

Problem-solving strategies are ways of addressing problems that can help you go beyond the obvious answers and find the best solution for your problem. These strategies can be implemented ahead of time so that when a fire breaks out, you have the tools you need to put them out. Use one or more of the different strategies in the next section to find solutions: the more creative, the better. However, if you keep track of successful problem-solving strategies, you can create a toolkit of solutions.