How can you contribute to the team environment?

Teamwork: Make a contribution Develop a team mentality. Be open to ideas from your teammates.

How can you contribute to the team environment?

Teamwork: Make a contribution Develop a team mentality. Be open to ideas from your teammates. No one person has a monopoly on good ideas. Avoid rewarding people for the things they do that bother you.

In a work environment, negative people are like mold, and there are times when you need to protect yourself from mold by raising your voice. Raising your voice means reporting unfair behavior, such as intimidation or sexual harassment, in the workplace. Or, to assert your voice to a negative person and report their bad intentions. With an assertive communication tactic, you can identify the behavior, what you want, and the impact, without feeling like it's a full-blown confrontation.

By doing so, you're influencing not only the parties involved, but also the rest of the team, department, and company. When we tolerate less bad behavior from others, we inspire others to do the same. If “everyone” defends the type of work environment they want, in the long run, a more positive and open environment will be created. Be sure to speak with diplomacy, grace, and deeds.

Leave the emotion at the door. Appreciate the work of your teammates. Take time to give thanks for small, specific contributions to the team's effort. And when you reach a milestone in pursuit of your goal, spend time celebrating it together.

Gossiping about team members only creates a sense of distrust, which can make the good work you're trying to do fail. A teamwork environment has the potential to produce exceptional results, as well as to provide dynamic and interesting work experiences. By sharing congratulations, high-fives, and being positive in the face of adversity, you'll be the kind of person everyone wants on their team: the person at Lighthouse. With the right attitude, you have the power to create happiness at work, contribute to a positive workplace, and be the kind of co-worker who encourages people not only to stay in their jobs, but to enjoy them as well.

Understanding and engaging with this group dynamic puts you in the right frame of mind for a teamwork environment. It is often useful to designate a team member as the group leader to facilitate organization and provide guidance. It infuses enthusiasm in the team and creates a sense of camaraderie that is valuable when working together as a unit.